Hey everybody! Lowell Album Club is a place for the music lovers of Lowell to come together and share their favorite albums! We’re an open-minded and tight-knit community that appreciates everyone's unique musical experience. Our members are welcome to share their differing opinions and tastes while digging deeper into an artist's discography and exposing each other to new music. Every other week we'll meet to share insights on the previous weeks’ album, as well as holding special events such as a record/CD swap, where club members bring in any unwanted albums to trade with others. We’ll inform our members of various musical events happening around SF (such as the SF Arts and Film Program), and encourage them to attend with another club member! We'll meet every other week in room 146 on Tuesdays after school; hope to see you there!
Meetings: We meet every Tuesday at Room 146 at 3:40
President: Stella Schulte 2707
Vice President: Uma Van Yserloo 2707
Other Officers: Public Relations Strider Schulte Secretary Sophia Fox